Everyone at some or the other phase of life comes across this question. XYZ has so much experience in the said field or his demand for more
money is justified as he has so many years of experience behind him. So what does this actually mean?
There are lots of views and counter views to this question. My experience tells me this!
Many friends have asked me several times for guidance and I spoke to them, based on those meetings here are my findings. If I look back at my life as a Sound Engineer I am the same as I used to be 15 years ago. I have definitely grown in terms of knowledge and person but if seen as a Sound Engineer I am as committed and focused as I was 15 years ago. So what is the change? In short experience teaches you what NOT to do.
So experience teaches you all these things. The best way is to learn what NOT to do and the learning will be faster. Always have wise guys around who would unconditionally tell you the truth , even if you don’t want to hear it .Also understand that they will only remain close to you if you have the guts to hear the truth. While I am writing this I am sure there will be lots of counter views but again I am appearing for this exam not knowing whetherI will pass or fail. My experience has taught me Not to care about it anymore and Do what I do the best.
Pramod Chandorkar